Mhòrag’s Na Horò Gheallaidh
This song appears on Clannad’s sixth album Fuaim, released in 1982. A popular milling song on Cape Breton’s North Shore and in the Framboise, Catalone area. Its chorus’s strong beat and melody are complimented by numerous verses that present images of seafaring, the hunt, romance and lost love. Mòrag was a code name for Prince Charles during the Jacobite Uprisings. Songs set to this air were composed by the famous Gaelic Bard Alastair mac Mhaighstir Alastair and Donnchadh Bàn.
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Chorus (after each verse):
Him ò ì og ì ò
A Mhòrag 's na ho rò gheallaidh
Him ò ì og ì ò
Wee Morag of the curls down her back
What has left you in such a bad mood?
Leading the cow-with-calf to the field
And I shall not see my sweetheart, lads
Leading the cow-with-calf to the sheiling
And I shall not see my darling, lads
Go on and waulk the tweed-cloth
For a wedding-suit for my beloved
There's a new one in the tailor's shop
And she is coming home today or tomorrow
My beloved does not want it
He has a gray one and a tartan one