Na Casaidigh (The Cassidys)
Na Casaidigh or The Cassidys are an Irish traditional group. They have been based in Dublin for many years, but they ori more...
Na Casaidigh or The Cassidys are an Irish traditional group. They have been based in Dublin for many years, but they originally hail from Gweedore, County Donegal. The group consists of brothers Aongus, Seathrún, Ciarán, Fionntán, Feargus, and Odhrán. Irish is their native tongue and they had to study English as a second language during their school years. Their lyrics are mostly in Irish.
- An bhFaca Tú Mo Shéamuisín Have you seen my little Jimmy?
- Báidín Fheilimí Feilimí's Little Boat
- Beidh Aonach Amárach There's a Fair Tomorrow
- Bheir Mi Ó Vermeo
- Cad É Sin Don Té Sin It's Nobody's Business
- Cill Chais (place name)
- Do Bhios-sa Lá I bPort Láirge One fine day in Waterford
- Fáinne Geal An Lae The Dawning Of The Day
- Óró Bog Liom Í Óró Move Her Gently To Me
- Óró Mo Bháidín Óró My Little Boat
- Óró Sé Do Bheatha ‘Bhaile Óró, You Are Welcome Home
- Tiocfaidh An Samhradh Summer Will Come
- Trasna na dTonnta Across the Waves
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