An gamhnaichín

The gamhnaichín
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English (machine translation)

I Bridges days Bandon on November should fair,
yours was the time without suffering or need,
your piece I bought from a man ghamhnaigh south from the area
and did not get one is ever, on cheanrach or hemp.

For bhailíos I come here is to dtángamar over bandages,
to put in place by my ghamhnaigh in fleets were without shade,
was dance music and dance there for shuíos-in down with them,
is soon became to us that we were not mentally rotating all .

When I was-in ready for movement, she did not I do a report,
a dúrtsa with my boyfriend my ghamhnaichín get,
Bligeardaí rural stating that in her up,
He dheinidís of lean off me, 'The bhfuarais it, Sean?'

I did not leave hill and valleys than any member had m'amhras,
Cumaracha river, flood valleys than stall,
Not while I search fragment ghamhnaigh but she was not there,
is God, not the scare have promised John.

Chuardaíos hills and mountains and narrow roads narrow,
well away from my relatives had to catch me,
I said to go, a Bear, that there were my relatives,
Sara stracfaidís, the géinigh, the cloth of my bones.

Not offended ever the heart in me but I'm going through Inchigeela,
The girls night me harassment and me annoyance,
Your stracadar my trousers, did something I'd never tell,
Their úllordaí who had combed my chrannsa was a center .

For leagas woman to sin and another woman who was beside her,
While the game around, not love our case,
But the woman tore my trousers and my ghealasaí have released her,
If she got those terror, not real pick from Sean!

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