Raghadsa is mo Cheaití

Raghadsa my inconvenience caused
Home > Artists > Danú | Tags: Ballad, Sean-Nós | Submitted by DerekP
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English (machine translation)

From my inconvenience caused bhálcaeireacht raghadsa out of the harbor islands
Sea or on an island I totally alone as the birds go to sleep
There known before the raven nest 's cry is the harbor
And me being sued for God up my birth daylight

'S inconvenience caused, not shameful as ironic, if you go at all I
As promised the priest that shall proceed not, otherwise I go, in the grave
Your statue was poor in this world, I, and my sweetheart far away
'S God, that you mbeirir I own, if I leave my first trove

'S is frost and snow on the mountains, and I were walking on my own two
Looking explanatory would see my maiden, was bacalach, pearled, blond
Com was brighter than at Venus, his mouth is not melodious flute
'S if I took my club alone, your mouth close phógfainnse

Ciach the pastor and I married, I have not left it towards women
At the young girls dancing, eating and drinking 'among the
Does your shuaigh's your bhreoidh I, I require a wholesale young
'' I have not left S cnuchairt turf, or address the cows over mountain

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