Is deas an buachaill fóinteach mé

A nice boy I usefully
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English (machine translation)

A nice boy meaningful day I harvest and spring,
would reap own the barley would put before us is again 'the way,
is yellow flower of the barley is the harvest engaged' un ado,
is my sweetheart accompany me in this road is not attracted to me.

And come smúid the sky, the sun on the moon,
will likely my eyes is not clear to me the ways,
is cuckoo Valley Anybody is not her returning,
a cha vacate my love till death you that I die as you land.

Most were husband small young I have the home Udai opposite,
and she promised me to marry as I let husband like past me,
a pity that it was not the death that accompanied me on the long ways,
Before dtiompóchainn back of my hand with my locks white is pretty far from home.

Most were husband turn his citation to nine times the previous November,
and next time later was chased her out of the home,
If my sweetheart are you quoting me not permanent disablement mairint,
If a woman without courage you mention I, I tabharaigí it on and find a alternative.

On ye heard the stories that came last night we 'the home?
That poor widow Greece coming feast Mount Gallúin,
as was the tailor gourmet false coming as a shepherd under his robe,
as it was play together as he would attract.

The poor boy scaite I am getting out in the morning,
not two pens on the life in me, upon my faith I am empty,
my hair the color of the championship as my lips colored swan,
Stadaigí future of your deliberations me, nice gift manly man.

It is unfortunate that I have in the region where the eagles live,
is no offender should be my only fish of the wave brick,
five pounds I have in my function is not over.

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