An Ciarraíoch mallaithe

The Cursed Kerryman
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English (machine translation)

'If I keep hard you back to Cairbreach,
Caillfead my sense marine dtriallfair home with me,
Oh, bead by weeping.'
'And do not have butter ultimately jobless money,
Stamps King Shacsan accurately deposited you,
Oh, for the cost of the road. '
' the bells of our ndoirne from dug the gardens,
not from stacking turf than the harvest spread us,
will dance many of us if it is With best you,
gold is money, drinking beathuisce,
Oh, when mhairfimid to live. '

'Your shiúlóinn life all the Bhreathnaisc you,
are not I prefer to be in Ireland listening masses,
Oh, not in New England,
But do not believe thy mouth two thirds of their abrann,
As man ridicule you are attract women,
Oh led racaireacht sports. '
' a club of my heart as réilteann mhaisealach,
not neosainn lie from my mouth on a horse you,
Lest the sin that we are damned,
Love tied my middle than scarfainn you,
Oh, ropes that spot down under. '

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