Amhrán Bhaby Costello

Song Bhaby Costello
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English (machine translation)

Oh, yes May is coming to the inn opened
A much was closed here on Street Athboy,
Baby Costello met and there she met music
And did not get the floor since Chóil and Steve,
Well, for the misfortune of her music the day those
S itself as one mat from Enfield,
She met them music it was a bright day,
There was talk of a guard than closing down.

Trim band was there for the morrow,
They were met by a small community of comic
But for us Baby meets the beautiful love music,
'Well, we prefer it that!' cried Peter Keane,
Bobby was Sermon time there is a plate pleasure,
Ordered on the street is, if he would sit down,
But Baby got and she got a pardon,
'The poor man happy and improve.'

Oh, Fraincín asked the woman who she is beautiful,
Although she came from or she stays,
'Two much of a lucky and be in store for me,
I would not ever without many of the house! '
Nan Patrick Choilmín there was a woman Mike Joyce,
And they came seven years younger when they heard it,
She met 'Johnny' and 'The Stack of Barley'
Nothing remains were not or that she turned reel.

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