Nóra an chúil úmair

Nora the rear tanks
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English (machine translation)

A rear tanks Nora, my sorrow I do not own you,
I lonely glens black 'or harbors white' Ireland
For mine without Onsa dh'fhágaise one sense,
and a son from London King I 'extreme urgency tha person something.

But I 'll leave raghadsa abroad is no longer Ireland,
In France's my advice touchdown and the priest,
Forever forever on my knees doing diligence' with soul,
but that the men of Ireland survived but shining heavenly King.

Oops, that Nora, or deans said, marry me féineach enjoyment
court is me for you 'are diamonds and gold continue to spread,
buy us the grace since the friars that as priests,
is will call a woman king you compatible your bed.

But you are not meant to get a marriage and I do not attract you,
as I have nine Kilworth my eye on the heavens,
My love-in the lamb merciful and glorious maiden over is living,
as preferably day account together than any two bhfeaca.

If departing buaim atáir you my heaven,
In rabhaise taking pride on their shoulders the angel,
chat for chaoldair right beside your bed,
I am in love with an Irish girl, daughter of City O'Leary.

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