Amhrán an chait

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English (machine translation)

And turns into a dirty way home I road
Beirim my seven cursed him so it left without me shoe,
Stroll through the turning gharrantaí large stones,
Since the success of the morning sun or the evening that people used to go under.

Before working stipulated in one house I watched Johnny,
Strompódh the black deer when it would begin taking snow,
Those who felt the noise, every man standing at lap s wishes,
Those running in the barns and watching the the Ganger.

But if out of bleaisteannaí was not there to have been made the rupture,
Trees from the ground and the walls engaged in the skies,
But did not know of anything that has been made to morrow morning,
We're seanchat found the top of the creek, lost.

Oh, a bar inserted is carrying six men went,
Chrochfaidís of land not receive it if awarded Ireland,
Lucil he said, 'out of the way, that we gcrocfaidh sent it through.'
It was great anchor chain went around her throat.

Oh, cast out to sea and left half harbor,
Tidal beach morning she gave previous O'Toole is Chora,
But I heard the other day and I believe that true self,
It was pulling seaweed srathraithe at cailleachaí in Kill Anybody.

But he graduated from the bonnachaí he went to Limerick,
On board the Yankee clipper went to America Friday
But now it is collected from us and the people curse him,
Hoping to God and to Mary we will not come back ever.

Warning: This is a machine translation!
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