Cailín an tsléibhe ruaidh

The red mountains Girl
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English (machine translation)

The gcluin ye me, boys, what you are yourselves?
Sit around this fire here that telling my story,
was a boy of this town was merry gay chanting,
is it came to dating a girl mountain red.

A beautiful maiden aigeantach was right mood is Cliu,
Be coming myself to dúscadh day that bpóstar me and you,
Be coming with me tomorrow and you will not regret than gloom,
is I will silk dress for you, girl mountain red.

It was not known for streabhóg ghiodalaigh reveal what she should say,
But the appearance was in his eyes the night that the days
of my heart, now Refuse thou fingering of love is this you,
Or I intend to stay díomhain turn mhalaidh the red mountains

Virgin Ornamental mharánta, reveal what this you say?
Look down the valley was the bank giant is look my best,
have the best of men and mbeathach I work that hard,
treasure is the property enough I your girlfriend red mountains.

If storey property enough you sang to me is better for it,
Or tell me that would drink thou property all all,
Your thaobhas house the inn in your dhrabhlás poor senseless,
For the night drinking and appetites' the home to dawn.

If a man I've been drinking, girl, do not drink but my own,
You're not paying for the drinks than you with no money or dowry,
and now do not think that my poor heart is broken with grief,
Or I leave you as I found you on the red mountains mhalaidh.

Warning: This is a machine translation!
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