Peigín Mistéal

Peggy Mitchell
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English (machine translation)

I seemed a woman who would play a trick not to love failure,
A walked into the affection of men and not to stand in the street,
your pretty lips sweetest taste, than honey bee Easter,
For heavy rear moist blond green ring, which is Peigí I say.

Smoother appearance than the smooth plumage bright than the flood foam at beach
A lovely heart of growth not decline, as most flower foliage éiríonns,
Before I go in my mind are miracles with you, Peggy, a sweetheart,
a my sorrow and my ruin, without you I am with you on American shores.

Treasure of my heart, not Drop your desire but look into the case,
when will come the way will drink wine is not danger for us never die,
A flower of the branches, not worried the story sea you are dhomsa destined,
For gentlemen all two in my king I would not be chraithfinn handed to you.

Two meant to get the opportunity or place to sit not stopfainn year or quarter,
In scríobhfainn down with pen pretty slim look and reputation,
as not born never any woman in the country would give you of the top,
is from destroyed Troy because his wife is since Deirdre executed.

Is a shining gold in bhfolt my store is growing ring blond,
That mouth shoe as green with tear is woven over,
A bloom of apple finest SNU than foliage because of the trees,
is get ready Monday to set out walking and see marine destined.

A fine brightest, blood is the lifeblood that lit nice two-by,
in the flower of fairness, the globe greenest hope lay mouth,
not lie on any of the story's out, not a man I've senseless,
twelve today all most fun day I think the final bloom.

My love twice the woman forever, although I left them ill,
Making sadness about the value of the damage is drinking to be accurate,
is that I would prefer a kiss from Peggy, of course, is to be lonely I,
not wealth George, although half that two major all be accurate.

As I seemed to get phórtar poured a lot of beer cans,
Puins glasses on the table, for if my pockets tight,
my love and my treasure to be before me rant at me,
as she d 'shoe ólfainn two would value my accurate account.

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