Nuair a bhí mise óg

When I was young
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English (machine translation)

When I was young, it was nice was likely
the scafaire lads I hope the young ladies,
I used to be attracted is being bpógadh is walk the road with them,
and I'd be charitable treated them indifferently without sorrow;
used ROSCA all bruinnille lighting with gleam,
and all seemed more vibrant with joy before me,
and my Voice to hear that they barge in meeting
Do piper playing from morning to noon.

Och och of the day, this is not the flower were me,
and I left as I do without creature,
He that I followed as I broke my bones narrowing,
and left decline my life forever remedied.

Many beautiful woman from Cork to Malin
To cast a spell over me, my ruin my sorrow,
and I'm leaving without material again being left
In exhausted weak plagued by discrimination alone;
fell curse on all of them in bhfíormhullaigh the head I,
went my flower hair that remained on my blunt,
But my sheanbhlagad skinned with the weather as weather,
think drandán creature at all under concern.


But now I ask pardon of all the stáidmhná
A was kind Cardiac me along time domains,
Or are telling me that damn am I,
and not natural for me ever getting to Heaven the saints;
but that I acknowledge to God that mb 'I prefer eternal
being in hell of pain among friends of my heart,
not be in heaven in height among religious thúitíní
not understand the situation I left grieving.


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