Cearc agus coileach
hen and cockIrish
English (machine translation)
Hen and cock went together
Out through the mountains that they broke their hearts,
they went to Sligo to Cork later,
Or dteachaigh the word out through the country.
My fine fat rooster was born in March,
Or that the women came forward to put in the meat,
picked their skill chrúba and their bones,
and they spent the day merrily enough.
If you saw my rooster day street fair,
A whip in his hand is as proud as a king,
was a pair of silver spurs made ??it bright,
hat and gloves under yellow laces.
I put my rooster that Bhaíollach parish
Where would he found shelter,
is where the men would be chroithfeadh fhearúla the seed,
and not to ever maífeadh ith my rooster.
'Och ??och,' says the hen is going on the administration of,
not sorrowful end of my story anxious
father of my children and husband my bed,
stretched the pot and slab on his mouth.
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