A Sheáin mhic Mhurchaidh
A student John CahermurphyIrish
English (machine translation)
His son John Cahermurphy ghlégil,
I tell you from my own heart,
Without the penetration alone,
Henceforth any force Bruin '
That you will one is Daniel James,
Beara is from the comedy group,
They switch off a weary British,
With the edge of the sword energy.
His son John Cahermurphy ghlégil,
I tell you refrain again,
From thánais from Irish interests,
And as you own chuirimse down,
From Mac Carthy, the Irish prince lock,
O'Sullivan Beara humor,
Donohue Glen without any fault,
And O'Connell was strongest in action.
A Maurice O'Connell, his chiefs,
Instead of being wise, young taoi,
From thánais id travel the country to us,
Fed will again humor scope,
Pipers will most wine barrels,
At release the wind as a sport,
Scaoilíg the glass in your surroundings,
Mblaisfeam again that beer.
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